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Black and White Star in Circle

Entity Information

Company Name:


Full Legal Name:

Company Type:

Registered Address:


Rotterdam Office:

London Office:

Company Number:

VAT number:

LEI Number:


EIC Code:

MIC Code:


Broker Code:


Nature of Business:


​Supervising Authorities:


​REMIT Status:

 Cavendish Markets

Cavendish Markets B.V.
Private Limited Company
Herengracht 420, 1017BZ, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Aert van Nesstraat 45, 3012 CA, Rotterdam, Netherlands
34-35 Berwick Street, London, W1F 8RP, UK

73394912 (Dutch KvK)
Commodity Brokerage

Autoriteit Consument & Markt (“ACM”)
ACER Registered OMP

Company Governance

Managing Director:

Managing Commercial Director:

Timothy Namsoo

Andrew Mason

The company is overseen by its Management Board, consisting of the following members:





The firm's Management Board is responsible for the firm's Compliance and overall risk-management. Compliance and operational matters are overseen by the Managing Director and any complaints and commercial concerns, by the Managing Commercial Director.

Entity Information: OpeningHours
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