Products & Services
European Gas & Power
Cavendish harnesses the knowledge of its experienced team to deliver a service of the highest standard, across a range of energy markets. We provide OTC broking services for the European energy markets with a focus on Structured Products and Options (some of which are listed below). We are also a broker-partner for the BBL and IUK interconnector gas pipelines, helping those TSOs allocate their capacity via the Implicit Allocation Mechanism. And we support secondary markets in gas transmission and storage capacity.
Physical Gas Products:
Options (OTC)
Fixed and Indexed Priced Swing Contracts
Virtual Transport
Virtual Storage
Calendar Spread Options
Temperature Regression Products
Beach Entry products
Transmission Capacity ​Rights
Storage Capacity Rights
Physical Power Products:
Options (OTC)
Clean Spark & Dark Spread Options
Power Forward Profiles
Power Swings
For more information about our services, please see our Service Overview.